Talking to Children About Peer Pressure

As your children get older, they will start to care more about what their friends think and how others perceive them. Your child may feel pressured in good ways. For example, he or she may try out for a new sport or start learning how to play an instrument. However, your child might also feel …


How to Talk to Children About Cancer

As a parent, you may want to protect your children from distressing news, such as telling them a family member has cancer. Although it may be challenging, it is better to talk openly with your children about cancer rather than avoiding it. Children can sense when something is wrong. They may also overhear conversations that …


Toy Safety and Other Tips on Protecting Your Child in Your Home

In 2015, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that 254,200 children under the age of 15 years were seen in emergency departments for toy-related injuries. That’s 696 kids every day! More than a third of those injured were children 5 years old and younger. When buying toys, be sure to check the label and …


How Parents Can Keep in Touch with Their Children While Traveling for Work

Many families face the challenge of a parent who travels for work, and you may be wondering how you can best stay connected to your loved one while he or she is away. Military families, in particular, face unique challenges when it comes to staying connected during long periods apart, such as during deployments. Call, …


Why Do Teens Lie?

As our children grow into adolescents and young adults, their desire for more autonomy and responsibility increases. This is a challenging time for parents because they can no longer watch their teen’s every move! Frustrations can arise and questions may race through a parent’s head, especially if there is a rebellious teen at home. Is …


Highly Mobile Families and Transitions to New Schools

Moving to different homes, cities, or towns is often a part of life especially for families involved in more mobile professions, like higher education, international aid, and the military.  While many children cope well with a mobile lifestyle, studies have shown that frequent moves, especially in the early years of schooling, can have negative impacts …


My child has an imaginary friend… should I be concerned?

You’ve just discovered that your child has an imaginary friend. Should you be concerned? Is this normal? Does having an imaginary friend mean that your child is very shy or antisocial?  Does it mean that she will never have any friends? Is her imagination overactive? Rest assured, many children develop imaginary characters as a form …


Car Seat and Seat Belt Safety for Kids

Buckles, and straps, and clips – oh my! Installing a car seat can be tricky, and despite best intentions, many parents do not get it right. A recent study of families that were taking their newborn home for the first time from the hospital found that nearly 95% of parents made at least one error …


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