Military Spouse Appreciation Day: May 12, 2023

On the Friday before Mother’s Day, the United States recognizes military spouses for their sacrifices and contributions to the Armed Services and the nation. Sometimes, the day is commemorated with small celebrations hosted by service organizations or installation agencies. Often, warm sentiments of gratitude can be seen on social media and in news articles. For …


Helping Children to “Shake it Off”: Releasing and Reducing Stress

Anyone can feel stress – adults and children. A combination of prior life experiences and other factors, like personality traits and genetics, influence how individuals perceive and respond to stress in their daily lives. Positive stress can motivate and help individuals focus their energy in ways that can improve their performance, help them problem solve, …


Through the Eyes of a Military Child

Every April, in the United States, the Department of Defense recognizes military children for their challenges and unique experiences that are due to their parents’ service. These children did not choose military service, yet they often endure multiple moves, significant amounts of time away from their military parent(s), and lives experienced far from their extended …


Learning Through Failure: How You Can Help Your Child

When children are very young, parents and caregivers are responsible for their every need. During those early years, you likely developed a routine in which you could anticipate what your child wanted and when they wanted it, and you were usually able to meet their needs. However, as children grow and begin to explore the …


NEW RESCHEDULED DATE: The Mental Health Challenges of Military-Connected Children and How the Adults in Their Lives Can Help

Calling all Professionals! Join us for the second presentation in our Thrive Educational Series AT A NEWLY RESCHEDULED DATE on April 3, 2023, led by Dr. Celina Grassmyer. Dr. Grassmyer is a licensed clinical psychologist, practicing in Central Pennsylvania, who specializes in working with children and adolescents within rural outpatient and school-based settings. Nearly 1.5 …


Helping Your Child Navigate Social Mistakes

Helping your child develop healthy behaviors and understand the social world around them is an important part of being a parent. Throughout your child’s development, you will have opportunities to build a foundation that can help your child experience healthy growth. This established foundation could, then, influence the way they treat others as they move …


How to Help an Adolescent who is a Picky Eater

Everyone has preferences on what foods they enjoy and what foods they don’t like. Children are no different! The American Academy of Pediatrics (2018) suggests that parents should offer a variety of foods to their children when they start introducing solids. (Information on introducing solids can be found here!) But, parents of adolescents, who are …


The Mental Health Challenges of Military-Connected Children and How the Adults in Their Lives Can Help

Calling all Professionals! Join us for the second presentation in our Thrive Educational Series on March 22, 2023, led by Dr. Celina Grassmyer. Dr. Grassmyer is a licensed clinical psychologist, practicing in Central Pennsylvania, who specializes in working with children and adolescents within rural outpatient and school-based settings. Nearly 1.5 million school-aged children in the …


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