2024 Thrive Educational Series – Session II

We are pleased to announce the presenters for Session II of the 2024 Thrive Initiative’s Educational Series for Professionals. Join us in May and July for presentations on the topics of Working with Stepfamilies and the Hybrid Implementation of Thrive Parent-Education Programming. You can earn one hour of continuing education credit from the American Psychological Association for participating in each virtual event. The presentation dates and details are below.

Register today! https://bit.ly/ThriveEduSessionII

Working with Stepfamilies: Understanding the Challenges

Date: May 21, 2024

Time: 12-1 pm EDT

Presenter: Dr. Douglas Teti

Stepfamilies are complicated. When one family form ends and another one begins, family members need to adapt to and coordinate with each other. Grouping individuals together, who have potentially become accustomed to a different way of life or even a different family system or structure, can create unique challenges. This presentation discusses the unique challenges that exist in stepfamilies from multiple perspectives—the stepparent, the biological parent(s), and the children—and will examine some best practices for resolving issues and promoting family health and well-being.

Hybrid Implementation of Thrive Parent-Education Programming

Date: July 31, 2024

Time: 12-1 pm EDT

Presenter: Terri L. Rudy, M.P.A.

Parent-education programs have historically been offered in person, which created several barriers. Due to recent technological advances, a shift to offering parent programming in an online format has occurred to address these barriers. While this web-based delivery method eliminates many barriers, it also removes the interpersonal connection that participants might establish with a supportive professional or another parent. Thus, hybrid programming has been suggested as a way to deliver programming to parents that incorporates the best features of in-person and online delivery. This presentation will explore how the Thrive portfolio of programs can be delivered in a hybrid format for group face-to-face or virtual synchronous interaction while parents complete the online asynchronous program.