How to be an Affective Role Model

Studies that have examined the psychological flexibility of parents have discovered that high levels of parental psychological flexibility result in these parents’ children experiencing fewer internalizing and externalizing problems throughout their development (Brassell et al., 2016). Psychological Flexibility refers to the ability of an individual to accept aversive emotional experiences in the moment while maintaining …


Children under 24 months are sweet enough without added sugar!

Dietary guidelines for Americans are issued every 5 years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services. The 2020-2025 guidelines include updated information about added sugar for children younger than 24 months and recommend these children do not receive any added sugars. In addition, the U.S. Food and …


Social Media and Self-Esteem

The creation of social media sites and applications has changed the ways in which people interact, connect, and share with one another. Perhaps children and adolescents are the most affected by these technological advancements. Teens and pre-teens are among the highest consumers of social media. As the number of social media sites and apps increases, …


Volunteering as a Family: Finding Ways to Give Back

Volunteering as a family is a concrete way to apply and demonstrate shared values and beliefs while making a positive impact on your world (Ameri Corps, 2020). Families who volunteer have the unique experience of working together toward a shared goal, most often for the benefit of others. Quality time spent together while volunteering can …


National Children’s Health Month: 5210

October is National Children’s Health Month. Children learn about and model health behaviors from their families and their environments. The 5-2-1-0 health messaging campaign is a way to build and promote lifelong healthy habits for children at home and in the community. Do you know the 5-2-1-0 message? The 5-2-1-0 message recommends four healthy behaviors …


Influenza and Children: Your child may benefit more than ever from an Influenza (flu) shot this year!

This year’s flu season will coincide with the ongoing spread of the COVID-19 virus. As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are cautioning the occurrence of a “Twin-demic.” That is when two diseases spread at the same time. Yes, you can contract Influenza and COVID-19 at the same time, which could …


Talking about Government and Politics with Children

Children learn from a young age about our government by participating in national holidays, such as Memorial Day and the 4th of July; reciting the pledge of allegiance in school; and commemorating the American flag during National Flag Day and the 4th of July.  As children progress in school, they learn about the three branches …


Teaching Children about Respecting Differences

Our world is constantly changing, and, as it becomes more diverse and interconnected, children need to understand that all people are unique; they have varying abilities, beliefs, and traditions; and they are important as individuals. Children begin to notice differences in their toddler years. As children grow into adults, they will encounter diversity in every …


Are you ready to Thrive?