Managing Screen Time During COVID-19

As a result of COVID-19, the use of electronic devices for learning, connecting, and recreating has increased greatly. With this increase, families may be concerned about how much screen time is too much screen time for their children. Keep it simple. Remember, screen time management during COVID-19 is more about quality and less about quantity. …


Promoting Healthy Behaviors to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19

As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, parents and families should remain diligent in modeling and promoting healthy behaviors that reduce the spread of COVID-19. Currently, a vaccine is not available to help minimize and prevent the spread of COVID-19. Fortunately, there are several strategies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention …


Get Outdoors! But, Leave No Trace!

Though the pandemic we are living through has created many challenges for people, there have been some positive consequences! One positive result is the increased interest of individuals and families in participating in outdoor recreation activities and enjoying natural lands and trail systems. While it’s always a good choice to head outdoors, if you’re going …


Teaching Children Life Skills

Just as learning how to read and write is vital to functioning in society, mastering life skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and displaying empathy, is also crucial to operating and advancing in our complex world. Life skills are abilities that help one cope with situations and challenges that arise each day. Starting to learn …


How to Talk to Kids About Tolerance, Acceptance, and Diversity

“Mom, why is that person in a wheelchair?” “Dad, why do Sam and I look so different?” We have all been there. Kids ask difficult questions, often at inconvenient times. Sometimes we shush them or feel embarrassed about the issue they have raised. As parents, teaching tolerance and acceptance and embracing diversity and inclusion are …


Teens and COVID-19

Schedules, routines, our very lives have been changed by COVID-19. Entire families have been affected, but social distancing may be especially difficult for teenagers who aren’t able to visit friends and are missing important milestones, such as graduations, proms, and sporting events. Parents may find it difficult to motivate teens to complete school work or …


Tips for Working at Home with Kids

With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, school-aged children have received a break from attending schools and, in some cases, classes, and this break could last a few weeks or even longer. Many parents have shifted their work responsibilities to an in-home environment. Balancing the demands of telework and regular life with school-aged children at home, in …


Managing Anxiety and Stress during the COVID-19 Outbreak

Routines can be essential for positive family functioning, such as maintaining daily school routines, participating in after-school activities, sharing mealtimes with family members, and getting adequate sleep. But, sometimes routines are disrupted, which can cause feelings of anxiety, stress, and insecurity (Spagnola & Fiese, 2007; Yoon, 2014). The current national crisis surrounding the novel coronavirus, …


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