How to Choose Between Store-Bought and Homemade Baby Food

Starting to feed your baby solid foods at around 6 months of age is an exciting time! When you start feeding your baby solid foods, you may think about whether homemade baby food is better than purchasing it from the store. Both of these are good options, but you may want to think about the …


When Should You Start Getting Your Child’s Teeth Checked?

One of the many milestones parents track with their new babies is the emergence of the first tooth. But, when should you first visit the dentist?  Probably earlier than you think. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children should visit the dentist within six months after their first tooth appears or by …


Is Bedwetting Common for Children?

As a parent, you probably remember potty training your toddler. At times, it may have been challenging and you might have questioned if your child would ever get out of diapers. Nevertheless, your child ultimately triumphed and was finally potty trained! Or so you thought… Out of the blue you start to notice that your …


Gulp?! My Child is Dating!

When your child says he or she is dating someone, your first response may be to panic. But, what does dating really mean today? Does it mean kids see each other at school and contact each other via social media; is dating going out with a group to a party; is dating one-on-one alone time …


The Importance of Handwashing for Kids

Children come into contact with germs every day. Proper handwashing can help stop the spread of many illnesses - from the common cold to more serious illnesses like hepatitis A.


Saving Money on Food When You Have a Tight Budget

Feeding your family can be challenging when you are on a tight budget, but there are many ways you can cut costs. Think of grocery shopping in three steps: planning, purchasing, and preparing. Taking a small amount of time each week to think through each step can help you save money in the long run! …


Adoption: How to Talk to Children

In 2015, 53,549 American children under the age of 18 were adopted from the foster care system, and, in 2016, 5,370 children from other countries were adopted by Americans (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2015; U.S. Department of State, 2016). It is important that families who have been personally touched by adoption talk …


Military Family Appreciation Month

Military Family Appreciation Month was established in 1993 by the Armed Services YMCA. Since this time, November has been designated a time to honor and recognize the commitment and contributions made by military families in support of our nation and its military services.


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