Facilitated Programming

Facilitated Secondary Prevention Programs

The Thrive portfolio of programming contains two secondary prevention programs that are delivered to high-needs families in a face-to-face format by trained professionals—Take Root Home Visitation and Grow Safe and Secure. Please note, access to curricula resources is only granted to individuals who have been trained in the curricula.

0-3 Years
Take Root Home Visitation Icon
Take Root Home Visitation Text

Take Root Home Visitation is a targeted parenting program for parents of children who are 0-to 3-years old.

Take Root Home Visitation is an evidence-informed, secondary prevention program that targets military and civilian families who are or may be at risk for maltreatment. The program is delivered in a face-to-face format by home visitation specialists to parents and caregivers of infants and children from birth to 3 years of age.

5-10 Years
Grow Safe and Secure Icon
Grow Safe and Secure Text

Grow Safe and Secure is a targeted parenting program for parents of children who are 5-to 10-years old.

Grow Safe and Secure (GSS) is a manualized curriculum designed to be used by clinicians and facilitators who have been formally trained in GSS and who work directly with parents and caregivers of children 5 to 10 years old.

Facilitated Universal Parenting Programs

The Grow program is available to parents and caregivers in an online format but is also available as a face-to-face program that requires facilitation. The training and resources to facilitate and deliver Grow in a face-to-face format can be found below.

5-10 Years
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Grow Face-to-Face Text

Grow Face-to-Face is facilitator training for professionals who work with parents of children who are 5-to 10-years old.

The Grow Face-to-Face online facilitator training is divided into two separate, but connected, trainings: a General Facilitator Training and a Grow Content Training. During the Grow Face-to-Face facilitator training, the professional will be introduced to the foundation of the Grow program content, the research behind the program, and the core philosophy that makes the program successful. The professional will then be guided through the Grow curriculum and provided strategies, techniques, and tips for facilitating the program with fidelity.