Take Root Home Visitation is a targeted parenting program for parents of children who are 0-to 3-years old.

Take Root Home Visitation is an evidence-informed, secondary prevention program that targets military and civilian families who are or may be at risk for maltreatment. The program is delivered in a face-to-face format by home visitation specialists to parents and caregivers of infants and children from birth to 3 years of age.

Home visitors are trained in Take Root Home Visitation via an in-person training provided by a team of Take Root Home Visitation trainers. Access to the Online Repository is granted only to those who have attended an in-person training.

Take Root Home Visitation is currently being beta tested. If you are interested in training home visitation professionals in Take Root Home Visitation, please emailĀ thrive@psu.edu.

Have you been trained in Take Root Home Visitation?

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